If you are here and reading this, the site has been redesigned. Click here to go to the new site...

Welcome to HunterZeo, my new headquarters for all things Mega Man X.  So Tripod accidentally deleted my site, but they set it back up for me. Which is cool, because I like it better on tripod. On to more fun...  I’ve created this nifty iframe version for those of you in Cyberspace with MSIE 3.0 and up.  The old version is still up, but this is just so much cooler.  Let me know what you think, it uses tables and iframes, which works well.

Also, I’ve come to a conclusion: people are going to steal my media, which in many cases I’ve worked hard to make.  As a result, I no longer care if people take my stuff.  Apparently people either can’t or won’t do things themselves and they figure they can lazily snag other people’s hard work, and I’m sick of trying to fight them.  So take it if you want.  I prefer getting some credit, but I know that won’t happen.  Whatever.  It’s a bigger waste of my energies to track down thieves, and I have more important things to do.

Ok, to end on a happy note, it’s spring break!  That’s why I’ve made the changes and such.  Plus, it gives me time to relax and take a breather.

If you want to affiliate, e-mail me under “Contact ZFA.”

© All Mega Man and Mega Man X related materials are copyright Capcom Entertainment.

© All HunterZeo materials and indicia NOT copyright Capcom Entertainment are copyright Zero the Fallen Angel (Dave Tranchemontagne)